District Director mESSAGE

For this year, our goal in District 104 is to achieve the Smedley Distinguished Award, the symbol of our growth.

Message from

District Director

Dear Fellow Leader Members and Guests,

Welcome to the District 104 Website, where your journey to “I” Victory begin!

Albert Einstein said, “One you stop learning, you start dying”.  With our District website available 24 hours our learning will never stop. 

Let us explore and share our knowledge here in our website. Let it be an open source of resources, inspiration, and motivation in our journey to be the best communicator and leader we can be.  I always believe that the measure of our success is the success of our fellow Toastmaster we supported and helped.  Let us use this website to be our link to be connected to each other so that we are always ready to extend our helping hand.

Make this website your window of opportunity every day. Keep it open at all time.

If you have suggestions, please let us know so that we will continue to improve as the room of improvement in our District the biggest room and boundless either of space or time.

Your companion in you’re journey to your I Victory,

Victoriously yours,

Joey Villanueva, DTM

D104 Director